Are Awnings Worth It? The Benefits of Retractable Awnings

If you’re considering purchasing an awning for your outdoor space, you’ll want to consider three factors: value, cost, and durability. Retractable awnings prove to be an excellent option with those three factors in mind.

So, how much do retractable awnings cost and what are the benefits of them?

How much does a retractable awning cost?

The cost of retractable awnings depends on a couple of different options:

  • Manual or Motorized: Retractable awnings that are motorized, have sensors, and remote controls, you can expect to pay a little more. But, you may discover that the ease of a motor and convenience of a sensor & remote control are well worth the investment.
  • Standard or Custom: You may want (or have the option) to customize the size of your awning to fit your unique space. If you’re choosing a custom option, more fabric (and custom options if you choose them) may also result in a higher price. But, there are multiple benefits to having an awning that fits perfectly over your outdoor space.

Some of the benefits of retractable awnings include:

Keep Your Home and Outdoor Space Cooler

Retractable awnings can make your patio up to 20 degrees cooler. By providing shade and restricting the amount of natural sunlight that hits your home, they can also lower the indoor temperature of your home by as much as 15 degrees (which could save you up to 60% on the cooling portion of your energy bill!).

Convenient and Attractive

With retractable awnings, you can extend or retract them at the touch of a button, allowing you to enjoy the space however you desire. Often, retractable awnings are more attractive than traditional stationary awnings – which can help you out in the future if you decide to sell your home.

The Investment is Great

In addition to the cost savings on energy bills, the return-on-investment for retractable awnings is great since the initial cost is minimal compared to adding a roof over your deck or patio. They also provide protection from the heat and sun, increasing how much time you’ll want to spend outdoors.

Less Susceptible to Weather Damage

Traditional awnings are left to bear inclement weather, so they are more likely to get damaged during storms. Retractable awnings can easily fold up during high winds or other weather events, protecting them from getting damaged. Motorized awnings typically come with a sensor for wind and rain, allowing them to automatically retract when high wind or rain is detected. Since they are less susceptible to weather damage, retractable awnings tend to outlast other types of awnings.

Protect Your Patio Furniture

Depending on what types of materials your patio furniture is made from, it can fade or dry out with prolonged periods of sun exposure. A retractable awning is a great way to protect your patio furniture from just that.

Are Retractable Awnings the Best Option For You? Get Started Today!

The knowledgeable sales team at Cool Awnings can help you find the ideal retractable awning for your home. Contact us today to get started on your search for the perfect awning!